Sunday, August 16, 2009

So whats to be done....

My friend's feedback on my last post got me thinking! She felt the anger coming through in what I'd written and I agree with her, I am angry! If you're not angry about the ways in which children are abused, whether overtly OR far more insidiously and subtly I can only ask you why not!? If you're not angry about the implications for our future and the future of the environment of all this abuse why not?! What she also did was inspire me to post about what we can do to arrest this apparently downward spiral, so huge thanks to her and hence the title of this post.

Healing our own pain and trauma is the way out of the loop of self, other and environmental destruction, of course ALL our destructiveness has its roots in our ability to not feel, to dissociate. As a species we are endlessly creative in developing dissociative aids, from drugs and alcohol to television; from shopping to..... well, you name it we can use it to avoid our emotions! Even essential or positive things like food, exercise, work or helping others can all be used to avoid, deny or numb our feelings and I've tried them all! (Well maybe not exercise YET). The only way to change our globally destructive trends is for individuals to stop dissociating and start healing the pain that their dissociation is helping them to avoid! How to go about this work? More on this later but in the meantime take a look at:
Thanks for reading!

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